OASIS Committees Supporting,
Developing and Growing
OASIS’s committees are composed of volunteers from our Board of Directors, Advisors, and members who work in collaboration to help develop and promote the association’s mandate, vision and goals.
The committees are always seeking new volunteers to help drive the association forward and help create a positive voice in their respective industries.
If you are a member and would like to learn more about the various committees or to volunteer, feel free to email us at: numair.uppal@oasisontario.on.ca
Executive Committee
Peter and Wanda Inglis
Randy Knight, Bob Thomson, Rob MacLellan & Numair Uppal
Committee Overview
The Executive Committee (EC) has the power to act on behalf of the full Board of Directors (BODs). The EC is a standing committee that often acts as a steering committee for the full BOD. Functioning as a steering committee, the EC prioritizes issues for the full BOD to address. Although the EC comprises senior-level leaders, the committee members report to the BOD.
Though the EC meets frequently and independently, they’re still ultimately accountable to the BOD. Taking advantage of the latest board management tools, they submit regular meeting minutes, documentation and a record of votes to the BODs.
Professional Development Committee
Numair Uppal
Peter and Wanda Inglis, Mike Clark, Rob MacLellan, Duane Campbell & Tim Garrard
Committee Overview
The Professional Development Committee (PDC) will establish procedures and advise in providing technically sound and proficient educational courses and programs that enhance members’ professional knowledge through technical information exchange, facilitation of research opportunities, and encouraging diversity in professional development.
The PDC also provides the Board of Directors (BODs) the Long-Range Education Plans and Implementation Procedures in accordance with the OASIS Strategic Plan.
Ministry Relations Committee
Numair Uppal
Peter and Wanda Inglis, Rob MacLellan, Mark Brosowski & Lisa Dolderman
Committee Overview
The Ministry Relations Committee (MRC) is responsible for supporting, overseeing, and supervising ministry relations and providing feedback and resources regarding ministry regulatory changes.
The MRC will meet on an as per needed basis to help support and review proposed changes from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD), the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH). The MRC will also work with the leadership team to develop guidance documents and proposals specific to industry requirements. Those involved in the MRC is prohibited from sharing any information unless provided with proper approvals. The MRC will update the Ontario Association of Sewage Industry Services’ (OASIS) Board of Directors (BODs) prior to making any decisions.
Membership Services Committee
Numair Uppal & Ellen Stitt
Peter and Wanda Inglis, Keri Ross, Randy Knight & Joseph Henry
Committee Overview
The Membership Services Committee (MSC) gathers information on and analyzes both member and non-member needs and perceptions of OASIS. The MSC uses this information to make recommendations to improve the Association’s resources, services and membership benefits along with ways to make prospective and current members aware of them. The MSC also makes recommendations on outreach strategies to attract prospective members to increase the OASIS membership base, especially among under-represented groups. Lastly, the MSC makes recommendations on ways to acknowledge new members and to encourage participation in OASIS activities and committees.